Saturday, January 16, 2010

way too long...

I figure since i've got some downtime due to my wisdom teeth removal, i would update my blog, and i solemnly swear to update as much as possible!

School wise, im done! Im now working at a salon called Pure Beauty and loving it! As for my social life, since im so busy its seriously lacking. But im starting to ease back into having a life. My family is doing great, Jeff and Mal just bought a house in vegas, Jordan and Hope are in TX, nWilliam just got accepted to BYU I and Lins and Dave still live in Oakley with their three beautiful children. Im still living with the Jex's, except im moving out within a month. They've done so much for me and it will be hard to not be with them and the kids all the time, but i bet they are excited to be on their own again! Anyway, this post isnt long and im drifting off...but, i will be updating more often. Love!

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